Election Security Official Speaks of Russian Interference Already Taking Place

Is this another story which the democrats will weaponize to target conservative groups and Trump voters?

3 min readFeb 23, 2020

I am sure that we all remember an article that I wrote a couple days ago discussing the concerns growing about election integrity. Within that article, we laid the groundwork by sourcing election security official, Shelby Pierson, who has made claims since January of 2020 that Russia, along with China, Iran, Hactivists, and Americans, are planning to interfere and undermine the election process. According to multiple reports, Shelby Pierson delivered the same message to lawmakers in the House. It is said that Donald Trump, and his allies, didn’t take the news well, so they decided to try and challenge the conclusions and attack the source. However, that is only the tip of the iceberg.

The major piece of the story is the conclusion of what happened in 2016 vs what will happen in 2020. According to the briefing and multiple online publications existing, it is claimed that Russians pretended to be Americans in the 2016 election. Now, unnamed sources, are claiming Russians will be getting Americans to repeat disinformation and propaganda. It goes further to now make assumptions that Russians are using “American servers” to make attacks seem like they are coming from inside America. Russia is blamed for hacking into “Iranian servers” which would make attacks appear to be from Iran.

So the ultimate question remains, how exactly will Russia achieve all of this? Well let’s break this down. November 24, 2016 Washington Post wrote an article about a Russian campaign which aided in creating fake news. At the time, the article didn’t have an editors note at the time distancing itself from the source. However, we should still analyze one of the sources which was relied upon for information. PropOrNot, a database listing several websites as Russian propaganda, has some very well known websites including Breitbart, Infowars, Prison Planet, We Are Change, Ron Paul’s Liberty Institute, The Free Thought Project, Zero Hedge, Wikileaks, and much more. I am sure by now you are starting to see a pattern here. Any website that has already been labeled as pseudo-science, conspiracy, or right leaning is practically labeled as Russian propaganda. This is likely the “misinformation designed from Russians” that the American people will be sharing.

Now, how exactly did Russia pretend to be Americans in 2016? We only need to look at Twitter for this to come into perspective. I believe we all remember when Project Veritas was posting videos where supposed Twitter officials were talking about “shadow banning” and using algorithms which targeted conservatives. I am sure we remember that nobody believed the videos because Project Veritas is just another fake news website right? Jack Dorsey admitted that 600 accounts was filtered due to algorithms. Now we know that the algorithms was designed to target Russians rather than conservatives, but why was it Republicans, or conservatives, caught in the crossfire when it came to the algorithm? A Wired article confirms that the algorithms confused Americans with “Russian bots”. The pattern that is clearly present is anyone that supported Donald Trump in 2016 has been labeled as a Russian bot. Any outlet that has supported Donald Trump has effectively been labeled as a Russian news website.

What exactly is the conclusion to stop Russian interference? Now it may not be accurate to say Americans was being mislabeled as Russians during the 2016 election, but we can say somewhere between 20–600 Americans was classified as Russians because they supported Donald Trump, a candidate who was never supposed to win the election in the first place. They was silenced and filtered outside of reach on Twitter. We can accurately say that Infowars, Breitbart, We Are Change, The Free Thought Project, Ron Paul’s Liberty Report, Wikileaks, Zero Hedge, and more are websites designed to deliver Russian propaganda according to PropOrNot because most of these websites actually said positive things about Donald Trump while bashing Hillary Clinton. The only solution to ending “Russian Interference” is a radical one. Banning all websites that are listed as pseudo-science, conspiracy, or right leaning. Diminish the presence of Trump supporters on all social media platforms under the context that they are “Russian operatives” using “American servers” to interfere in the election. Despite this being the obvious conclusion based on facts and evidence presented by major media outlets and the government, it would ultimately lead to a one party system in America. Dismantling “Russian interference” is equivalent to dismantling the Republican party from existence.




The creator of Citizen News Watchdog and Liberality